Prevention or Cure ?
Exactly as medical science works, Yagya too has has 2 directions of working. Your problem or desire has both requirements: Prevent and Cure. Prevention means there needs to be taken care that no further problems or obstacles arrive by your changing future planetary positions or simply due to your bad karma of your tomorrow which keeps adding in your store of karma. You do Yagya for prevention only to take care that the problems don't get bigger or no new problems arrive. This we call Yagya for prevention. Your Yagya doesn't necessarily have prevention too. Some Yagyas are for prevention and some are for cure. Generally we do separate Yagyas for prevention and cure (in case of standard Yagyas) but many High Capacity Yagyas have both included, however not all. The Yagya Advisers are supposed to recommend Yagya for prevention as well but you also make sure you do them.
When we say Yagya for cure, we mean to heal your present problem that is the result of several years' bad karma or planetary, humane or destiny troubles. Doing these Yagyas means you are curing your present problems (but not the future problems). For example for health, doing Yagya for cure means you will start to recover but only doing this Yagya can't prevent new problems so we do Yagya for prevention of new problems or for life protection. In other words Yagyas for prevention keep you alive and Yagyas for cure help you recovery in case of health problems. How prevention Yagya doesn't include the facility of cure so the cure Yagya doesn't have facility of prevention. So don't ignore any of them unless you have got a HC Yagya combined with both.
Standard Yagyas start working for prevention and cure after 60 days of completion. If your Yagya hasn't completed, the result can also not be awaited.
In case of High Capacity Yagyas the prevention part starts right on the very first day. The cure part however takes some time to attract results. This time may be days, weeks, months and even year, read further how.
How Yagya works
We don't treat Yagya as a magic, even if some clients called it a magic or miracle after doing High Capacity Yagya. In case of Yagya we differ with medicines to define how long it will take to show results because the result of Yagya depends on 3 factors:
1. Intensity of problem or desire
If you have big problem or big desires it also takes longer time to show some visible results or recovery.
2. Intensity of Performed Yagya
It is very important to get right and strong enough Yagya for your problems or desires. Remember, we don't decide Yagya according to your budget or wish to spend money but according to the problems or desires you specify. So for us it doesn't matter whether you are king or a beggar, for us what matters is your problem and desire. Big problems logically need big Yagyas and small need small ones because big Yagyas create huge good karma while small create less good karma. Just to save money you can't describe your problem as small, this is your own loss then. However doing bigger Yagya even for small problem is safe side as Yagya knows no overdose system, it gets even better and stronger when done more. Big Yagyas (i.e. High Capacity Yagyas) have substantially more mantras, more rituals and more dynamic procedure to suffice for complex problems. If you can't afford appropriate Yagya due to financial constrains we will do the (even small) Yagya that you choose as doing something is much better than doing nothing and letting problems increase. But don't forget that you have done less remedy for the problems so you can't expect a big help or faster result. In that case we advise to supplement your Yagya at first possibility. To help you with sufficient remedy Ved Bhawan also accepts installment payments up to 4 parts if you have clean credit records.
3. Your efforts are very important
The most important part of Yagya remedy is your efforts where many people fail and may blame Yagyas for their failure. It is to remember that Yagyas work to help you achieve results but you are the one who deserves, who works and consequently who achieves. Yagya is just a support. Yagya can go far to help you out and make things clearer and possible for you but if you don't make efforts or more than sufficient efforts, Yagya is unlikely to work as it is not a standalone remedy. Some people believe that they can buy results by doing Yagya or the Yagya will solve their problems automatically, both are wrong. You really need to deal with your problems and desires yourself. What Yagya will do is to give you strength, to make your ways and to keep you survive till you get success.
The time of result depends on the size of Yagyas, the intensity of problems or desires and the intensity of your efforts. However the two we know but the last can't be predicted. We can't assure how good and how speedy you will work for your success. Many people have expressed that they were successful on next day or even in next month but many get success even after a year or likewise. The Yagya effect period is normally 3 years for High Capacity Yagyas or most category A Standard Yagyas which means we allow Yagyas to work in maximum 3 years. But the result can also be in next months. It remains however unpredictable as explained above. Some delays are also caused when the problem is bigger and Yagya was not strong enough for that. In this case repeating or doing additional Yagya helps. Sometimes the effects start very early but you notice it only when you see visible outcome which takes several months. For example, you meet some stranger right after a Yagya and after a lot of plus and minus you marry him after 1.5 years after doing Yagya for marriage. For you the result came hence 1.5 year later but for us the effect started on very first day when you met the person even if you didn't realize the person to be your future partner.
The summary is that work out with your advisers to assure success, like you do with doctors or the lawyers, and they will go in full length to help you out, but don't make business out of it. Doing Yagya should not be treated like buying destiny.